Pre-match bets

Cards, Team Props, Player Props, NBA, NFL. Our team covers teams and competitions all around the world.

early team analysis

Early Play Analysis provides the in depth data and stats sheets so you can get educated on successful methods.

Dedicated props

With many books now offering player props,, it’s more about which one to pick and find the value on players who will flourish on certain fixture. 

Latest Reviews and Beyond

From our hard-working contributors for, our free team/player stat portal for the big leagues, comes a selection of angles our experts fancy for the weekend. Our panel of experts this weekend consists of Billy (, Ryan Walsh ( and IceTips ( Billy Bets weekend angles […]
From our hard-working contributors for, our free team/player stat portal for the big leagues, comes a selection of angles our experts fancy for the weekend. Our panel of experts this weekend consists of Billy (, Ryan Walsh ( and IceTips ( Billy Bets weekend angles […]
It may be the fourth tier of English football and the lowest fully professional level of the EFL, but League 2 has been a goldmine for myself and CBK members. With a full slate of fixtures on Tuesday, I thought it was only right to share […]

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